Steam chat wont undock
Steam chat wont undock

steam chat wont undock

We also know that a number of new users decided not to stay on KGS because of such chatter ( Gilles: I hope this is a joke! It reminds me of some stupid arguments about Iraq war in English rooms some monthes ago.). We made this change because there were a number of people in the english room regularly seeing just how obnoxious and juvenille they could be without getting booted. PatrickB: This has been a long time coming as the old English room has gotten progressively worse and worse.

steam chat wont undock

Maybe KGS should have an IRC style chat, i dunno, just an idea :P But I believe if KGS admins flex their power a little more and ban people who spam or talk too much about useless stuff, randomly changing the topic. two rooms is a bit annoying to switch and stuff. NeoNemesis: I think 1 room is good enough. I have probably about half of them permenently on my censor list, and they've been on there so long I've forgot who the heck they all are.įor those who can't tolerate any off topic discussion, may I suggest that you simply use private chat, or maybe *gasp* play a game. I'm honestly concerned that this'll make KGS a much less friendly place to play.Īs far as trolls go, they are easy to censor. Now, I think there is more room for conflict, as anyone mentioning any subject that someone else thinks is off topic will get yelled at. The offbeat conversations gave it character. In fact I like it so much that nearly two years ago I advocated having a room where people could let off steam (like the English Chat Room).īrendenT: I rather liked the old English room. Hu: I think having two rooms, English Game Room and English Chat Room, is a good idea. Trolls are a problem, a better solution for everyone is to ban them. I for one feel like I have walked into my local Go cafe to find a Brick Wall built across the middle.

  • Rampaging politics debates - the Iraq War for example created the failure that was the Playing Room.
  • Offensive Trolls and the lack of a Trolling Policy to ban them.
  • steam chat wont undock

    To see the history or the huge discussion about the ECR, see the wall of text below. But the ECR is very alive, if you stick around, you will find that only the best of the best topics survive in such a quiet room.

    steam chat wont undock

    Because there are few users who use the room, chances are, a troll seeking to cause havoc will not target the ECR due to its reputation as a "dead" room, and will go to the EGR instead. The ECR is preferred by many for conversations because of its isolation from the rest of KGS. Please don't argue with them, there is very little you can do to change their mind and talking back is an easy way to earn yourself a vacation from KGS. If the conversation gets too big or too wild, they may ask you to move the conversation to the ECR. The Admins are usually tolerant of these out-of-place offtopic conversations as long as they are constructive and courteous in nature, obey the TOS, and as long as any go conversation or question takes priority over the conversation. As there is a greater population of users in the english game room, people seeking to have a conversation often go there first as they will have a larger and more diverse audience. Originally found under the main rooms, but now residing under social, this room was created to hold most of the off topic conversation on KGS, but the room has been vastly underutilised. The ECR, or also known as the English Chat Room, was a counterpart to the English Game Room on KGS.

    Steam chat wont undock